Hello! Welcome to my site.

I'm a visual artist,

I love to handmake storybooks, paint, and graphic design,

sometimes inspirations lead me to ceramic sculptures.

I occasionally illustrate for editorial and commercial projects that inspire me. 

I offer handmade books, prints, and cards.

The journey of exploration in art is infinite,

I’m excited to be on the journey with you :)

Wish you creativity and happiness!

This is Tigger, my beloved studio assistant, he passed in 2022, I miss him everyday. This photo was taken in 2019.

Write me if you have questions or just want to say hi!

"Link With Love"

If you'd like to use any of the images or content on my website for your personal (non commercial) blog or purposes, please credit me (Nia Wang) and link back to my site (www.niawang.com). If you wish to use my images or content for any other purposes please contact me for written permission. Thank you!

To learn more about Copyright Law, this link from Wikipedia or check out “Link with Love” is a good start. :)